All projects of dtenny

dtenny/clj-arrows Clojure-compatible threading/transformation/arrow macros for Common Lisp
dtenny/clj-con Clojure-style concurrency operations in Common Lisp
dtenny/clj-re Clojure style regular expression functions
dtenny/cl-roaring Common Lisp encapsulation of the C Roaring Bitmap API via foreign functions.
dtenny/cl-sse Server Side Events (SSE) support/demo in Common Lisp
dtenny/clustered-intset Integer set implementation suitable for large and/or clustered values
dtenny/read-line-crlf A READ-LINE alternative that handles MS/Mac/Unix end-of-line conventions
dtenny/rexxparse A string parsing tool inspired by the REXX PARSE construct.
dtenny/with-redefs WITH-REDEFS enables rebinding of global functions, inspired by Clojure's with-redefs