All projects of phoe

phoe/cl-lzma Common Lisp CFFI wrapper around a LZMA foreign library
phoe/destructuring-bind-star DESTRUCTURING-BIND with proper error signaling
phoe/everblocking-stream A stream that always blocks and never has data available.
phoe/external-symbol-not-found Portability library for detecting reader errors coming from reading non-existing or non-external symbols in packages
phoe/in-nomine Utility for creating, accessing, and managing custom namespaces in Common Lisp.
phoe/lorem-ipsum Lorem ipsum generator in portable Common Lisp
phoe/petri Implementation of Petri nets in Common Lisp
phoe/phoe-toolbox Personal utility library
phoe/protest PROtocol and TESTcase manager
phoe/qtools-commons DEPRECATED - Qtools utility functions
phoe/safe-read A variant of READ secure against internbombing, excessive input and macro characters.
phoe/skippy-renderer GIF renderer for SKIPPY
phoe/wordnet Common Lisp interface to WordNet - modernized