All projects of shamazmazum

shamazmazum/cl-beads Editing tool for schemes of beaded crochet rope
shamazmazum/cl-fold Sequence folding functions as a replacement for REDUCE
shamazmazum/cl-forward-diff Automatic differentiation for Common Lisp (forward mode)
shamazmazum/cl-optim A collection of mathematical optimization algorithms.
shamazmazum/cl-oss Minimalistic CL wrapper around OSS (Open Sound System)
shamazmazum/cl-polynomial Polynomial factorization over finite fields with prime number of elements
shamazmazum/cl-value-noise Value noise for Common Lisp
shamazmazum/cl-watershed Watershed segmentation algorithm
shamazmazum/cl-wavelets Wavelet transform library
shamazmazum/command-line-parse Command Line parse tool for Common Lisp
shamazmazum/convex-hull-2d Calculation of the convex hull for a set of two-dimensional points
shamazmazum/cube-viewer Visualization tool for porous media
shamazmazum/cue-parser Simple common lisp cue parser
shamazmazum/destructuring-bind-plus DESTRUCTURING-BIND with placeholders
shamazmazum/easy-audio Flac decoder written in common lisp
shamazmazum/freebsd-sysctl FreeBSD's sysctl interface to common lisp
shamazmazum/image-downloader Imageboard image downloader
shamazmazum/jpeg-turbo Common Lisp wrapper for libjpeg-turbo
shamazmazum/mra-wavelet-plot Helper for plotting MRA-based wavelets
shamazmazum/neural-classifier My attempt to write classification library based on neural networks.
shamazmazum/nibbles-streams Binary streams with changeable element type and endianness
shamazmazum/numpy-npy Read and write Numpy .npy and .npz files.
shamazmazum/perceptual-hashes Perceptual image hashing for Common Lisp
shamazmazum/picolens A tiny library for working with lenses on Common Lisp
shamazmazum/porous-media-segmentation Segmentation of black&white images of two-phase porous material
shamazmazum/sbcl-single-float-tran IR1 transforms for single-float math functions
shamazmazum/sblcl-single-float-tran IR1 transforms for single-float math functions
shamazmazum/similar-images Common Lisp library for finding similar images
shamazmazum/simpsons-rule Numeric integration in Common Lisp using Simpson's rule
shamazmazum/stateless-iterators Lua-like stateless iterators for Common Lisp
shamazmazum/vp-trees Vantage point trees for Common Lisp
shamazmazum/wavelet-audio Audio compressor which uses (4,2) CDF wavelet
shamazmazum/yaft Yet another FFT library for Common Lisp