All projects of Shirakumo

Shirakumo/alloy A new user interface protocol and toolkit implementation
Shirakumo/chatlog Frontend for Maiden's chatlog module.
Shirakumo/cl-flac Bindings to libflac, a simple library to decode FLAC files.
Shirakumo/cl-fond Bindings to libfond, a simple text rendering engine for OpenGL
Shirakumo/cl-gamepad A native portability library for access to gamepads and joystick input devices
Shirakumo/cl-markless Markless processor for Common Lisp
Shirakumo/cl-mixed A simple audio mixing and processing library based on libmixed.
Shirakumo/cl-monitors Bindings to libmonitors, allowing the handling of monitor querying and resolution changing.
Shirakumo/cl-mpg123 Bindings to libmpg123, allowing fast MPG1/2/3 decoding.
Shirakumo/cl-out123 Bindings to libout123, allowing cross-platform audio output.
Shirakumo/cl-soloud Bindings to SoLoud, a multi-platform, multi-backend, minimal dependencies sound mixing and output library
Shirakumo/convex-covering An algorithm for the computation of a convex hull covering set of a mesh
Shirakumo/courier An email marketing service for Radiance
Shirakumo/db-introspect Administrative Radiance module to introspect the database directly.
Shirakumo/events An event scheduling software for Radiance
Shirakumo/filebox A simple file storage application for Radiance
Shirakumo/filebox-client A local client that automatically pushes files from a folder onto the filebox.
Shirakumo/glsl-toolkit A parser for OpenGL Shader Language source files
Shirakumo/harmony A Common Lisp sound system
Shirakumo/keyword-reviews Keyword Reviews is a platform for reviewing items with just a single keyword.
Shirakumo/lichat-ldap LDAP authentication for the Lichat server
Shirakumo/lichat-protocol Protocol definition and specification for the Lichat chat system
Shirakumo/lichat-serverlib Tools to help build a conforming server for the Lichat chat protocol
Shirakumo/lichat-tcp-client A simple TCP client implementation for lichat
Shirakumo/lichat-tcp-server A simple TCP server implementation for lichat.
Shirakumo/lichat-ws-server A simple WebSocket server implementation for lichat.
Shirakumo/lionchat Qt client for Lichat
Shirakumo/maiden An extensible and highly modular bot framework -- Successor of Colleen
Shirakumo/manage-users Administrative Radiance module to manage user accounts.
Shirakumo/plaster A pasting service web-application for Radiance
Shirakumo/purplish Imageboard software for Radiance.
Shirakumo/radiance A Common Lisp web application environment
Shirakumo/radiance-contribs Standard implementations and drivers for the radiance interfaces, as well as common helper packages.
Shirakumo/reader A simple blogging platform for Radiance
Shirakumo/redist A project to handle the creation of Quicklisp dists
Shirakumo/studio An image gallery hoster for Radiance
Shirakumo/terrable A file parser library for Terragen TER terrain files.
Shirakumo/toplists A web application to allow users to create and share top lists.
Shirakumo/trial Yet another Common Lisp game engine