How to use it?
Open your Lisp REPL and eval:
(ql-dist:install-dist "http://dist.ultralisp.org/" :prompt nil)
Or if you are using Qlot, put this line into the beginning of your qlfile:
dist ultralisp http://dist.ultralisp.org/
Or if you are using CLPM, put these lines into your local clpmfile:
(:source "ultralisp" :url "https://clpi.ultralisp.org/" :type :clpi)
- 40ants/40ants-critic — A wrapper around LISP-CRITIC which provides a better interface to analyze ASDF systems and a command-line interface.
- 40ants/reblocks-ui — A set of widget for Reblocks framework, to simplify UI elements creation. Based on Zurb's Foundation and jQuery.
- Chream/mockingbird — A small stubbing and mocking library for Common Lisp
- JMC-design/font-zpb-ttf — Implementation of the font protocol for TTF via zpb-ttf.
- Junker/recaptcha-enterprise — reCAPTCHA Enterprise system for Common Lisp
- RobBlackwell/cl-wav — Provides a cross platform reader for the WAV file format, implemented in Common Lisp.
- Shinmera/cl-all — A script to evaluate lisp expressions in multiple implementations
- bohonghuang/cl-gobject-introspection-wrapper — Wrap and call GObject Introspection FFI function in LISP style.
- borodust/cl-muth — Multithreading and concurrency utilities
- borodust/claw — Autowrapping FFI
- bpanthi977/nlopt — Common Lisp interface to Non-linear Optimization Library (NLOpt)
- cbaggers/varjo — Lisp to GLSL Language Translator
- ciel-lang/cl-cron — A simple tool that provides cron like facilities directly inside of common lisp.
- commonlispbr/starwar — A game written in Common Lisp, using lispbuilder-sdl
- digikar99/cl-cblas — C2FFI based wrapper for CBLAS
- digikar99/cl-ceigen-lite — Common Lisp CFFI interface to ceigen_lite which inturn is a C interface to C++ Eigen library
- eudoxia0/cl-yaml — YAML parser for Common Lisp
- fukamachi/legion — Simple multithreading worker mechanism.
- fukamachi/mito-attachment — Mito mixin class for file management outside of RDBMS
- fukamachi/myway — Sinatra-compatible URL routing library for Common Lisp
- genelkim/ulf2english — Maps EL-ULFs to English sentences.
- marcoheisig/numpy-file-format — Read and write Numpy .npy and .npz files.
- melusina-org/cl-rashell — Resilient replicant Shell Programming Library for Common Lisp
- numcl/numcl — Numpy clone in Common Lisp
- phoe/skippy-renderer — GIF renderer for SKIPPY
- projectured/projectured — ProjecturEd is a generic purpose projectional editor.
- pyramidi0n/abnf-match — A DSL for writing parsers of grammars expressed in IETF ABNF.
- pyramidi0n/email-parse — A fast, RFC-compliant email address validator and parser.
- pyramidi0n/trivial-us-ascii — A library for portable US-ASCII encoding and decoding.
- pyramidi0n/uri-parse — A fast, RFC-compliant URI validator and parser.
- rabbibotton/clog-typeahead — CLOG Extension for https://github.com/twitter/typeahead.js
- rabbibotton/clos-encounters — Sample Game for Common-Lisp the Tutorial
- scymtym/utilities.print-items — Composable printing of objects.
- scymtym/utilities.print-tree — Simple facilities for printing tree structures in an easy to read way.
- sionescu/static-vectors — Allocate SIMPLE-ARRAYs in static memory
- tamurashingo/cl-dependencyinjection — Dependency Injection macro for Common Lisp
- tamurashingo/cl-freee — freee API Library for Common Lisp
- tamurashingo/cl-salesforce-bulk — No description.
- tamurashingo/cl-synchronized — mutex operation (like Java's synchronized) for CommonLisp
- tamurashingo/cl-zendesk — Common Lisp Zendesk API Client
- tamurashingo/clbatis-caveman2 — clbatis-caveman2 integrates Cl-Batis seamlessly with Caveman2
- tamurashingo/lack-middleware-batis — lack-middleware-batis integrates Cl-Batis seamlessly with Clack
- tamurashingo/lack-middleware-connection-pool — CL-DBI Connection Pool for Lack
- tamurashingo/lem-ruby-mode — ruby-mode for lem
- thodg/cl-project — Common Lisp source project utilities
- timeolord/infix-reader — A reader macro that enables prefix notation in common lisp.
- veer66/nd-sexp — newline delimited s-expressions
- vindarel/pipelines-viewer — View the last Gitlab pipelines and their status from the command line (or the REPL). (not much to see, it's a 20 min script)
- y2q-actionman/with-c-syntax — C language syntax in Common Lisp
- yitzchak/sheet-clj
This distribution has more projects, but for performance reason we can't show them all.
Future version of Ultralisp may include a search posibility. If you need it, vote for this issue.